
Consultancy (Company Association)

I am currently a consultant for the Scandinavian company Westin, in addition to being a Brand Ambassador for the lure fishing companies Keitech, Major Craft and IMA via my association with Tacklewave UK Ltd. I have recently acted in an advisory capacity for the French company Ultimate Fishing (Xorus, Megabass, Tenryu, DUO) and was formerly a Pro-Staff member at Savage Gear/Svendsen Sport.


In conjunction with the companies above, I am also affiliated to the online tackle stores:

Alongside advising these companies from time to time, I wrote many of the detailed lure descriptions featured on the Veals and LFFB websites, and have provided a multitude of informative blog posts to the latter that can be found here.

Disclosure: Any affiliate links contained within my website content that are utilised by you, the reader, to purchase the items will not cost you anymore to use, but I may receive a commission.

Magazine Articles

Prior to writing my books: The Lure of The Bass’ and ‘Bass Lure Fishing – A Guide’s Perspective Volume 1 and Volume 2′ I was formerly a features writer for Sea Angler and Total Sea Fishing magazines respectively. I have also written articles for numerous publications including The Lure Anglers Society, Bass Anglers’ Sportfishing Society and Devon Life Magazine.