
My name is Marc Cowling. I have been a full-time, professional bass lure fishing guide since 2017, and I am the founder and owner of South Devon Bass Guide Ltd. For a number of years now, I have operated as a fishing consultant and lure designer. Furthermore, I am also the author of three books specific to the subject of lure fishing for this magnificent sporting species. These titles are:

Where to begin! Well, I started lure fishing for bass when I was 15 year’s old. But it wasn’t until my mid-twenties that my efforts began to yield results, and I gradually began to connect some of the pieces of the bass lure fishing puzzle together. A few seminal moments later, and after building on my expertise season upon season, a culmination of this knowledge and a genuine appreciation of what it takes to consistently hoodwink bass from an all-encompassing array of environments saw me take the plunge – conceiving a professional guiding and tutoring service associated to catching the UK’s premier sea fish, specifically on a lure.

I am extremely proud and happy to write that in formulating, operating, and more recently incorporating my South Devon Bass Guide Ltd business, not only have I assisted hundreds of anglers to realise their angling dreams – either through catching their first ever, or a personal-best bass, but I have also met some wonderful people who I am truly grateful to be able to call my friends – both within the tackle trade and, of course, through the meeting, guiding and teaching some extraordinarily nice people. I love my job, and I hope that my passion for it is evident.

So, in apportioning this, my ‘Marc Cowling – Bass Lure Fishing’ website and blog, and therefore, dividing my personal endeavours and professional achievements over two platforms, I hope that my readers and followers will gain more of an insight into what I enjoy doing the most – chasing the forever mesmerising bass with pieces of plastic along this beautiful coastline, and taking great pleasure from helping others to do it also!