Introducing my ‘Sister’ Website and Blog…

Anyone who has been guided by me, and more than likely had their ear bent in regards to my business over the past 18 months, will know that what I am about to reveal, not only here, but on my South Devon Bass Guide website, has been a long time coming…

Indeed, I would say that I have essentially held elements of my business back over the past couple of years, until I had the time to really think things through in relation to which direction(s) I was going to take. My writing, not only associated my three published books and my blog, but my consultancy work, lure designs, and of course, actually running a business and all that it entails whilst maintaining a healthy work/life balance keeps me extremely busy, as you can imagine…

But without a host of DIY projects and a book to write, produce and edit, I have spent the winter and early-spring of 2023/24 doing what I needed to do: visit the 114 marks that I had earmarked as having huge bass lure fishing potential, and just as importantly, I have decided to compartmentalise my professional guiding business into a separate, and recently incorporated entity. Yes, South Devon Bass Guide Ltd – who’d have thought that back in September 2016 when I set up stall!

I have great pleasure therefore in introducing to you: ‘Marc Cowling – Bass Lure Fishing’ – a website very much in the same vein as it’s big brother, but one that will feature the following:

In contrast, my South Devon Bass Guide Ltd website will now be dedicated solely to my professional guiding business – one that as you’ll read in a separate blog post I am now in a position to develop and grow. In essence then, the ‘original’ business site will highlight the following:

So there you go! Although my passion is very clearly catching (and releasing) bass on lures and assisting others to do so within some of the most spectacular scenery and bass-rich waters the UK has to offer, somehow I have ended up being a businessman as well! But with that comes pressures and responsibilities of course.

The absolutely diabolical weather over, lets be honest, the past 6 months has actually done me a slight favour. As although I would always rather be out fishing, I have benefitted from being able to stand still for a minute, in order to gain some clarity. The culmination of many a ‘brainstorming session’ has ultimately resulted in crystal-clear plan of where I would like to take both my personal enterprises, in conjunction with a professional guiding business that I have built from scratch, and that I am extremely proud of.

So watch this space as they say!

My lucky mascot Bertie who, incidentally, doesn’t take any notice of the fish!

My thanks to all who support me.

Marc Cowling

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